Courses and workshops
There are many different courses and workshops that we offer at Talking Change. People can feel nervous about attending them but they have some fantastic benefits and members are supported by the course facilitators at every step.
SilverCloud is a suite of online CBT self help (cognitive behavioural therapy) programmes that are flexible, effective and easy to use. It is interactive, flexible and available 24/7, online via a computer, tablet or mobile phone.
You can use the Silvercloud programme entirely at your own pace and to fit in with your busy schedule. Silver could enables people to access the same quality therapy online, as they would meeting with a Therapist face to face.
National studies have shown high improvement rates for depression and anxiety; helping people overcome and mange their mood better whilst increasing their sense of wellbeing. Courses on Silvercloud include:
Space from Depression
Space from Anxiety
Space from GAD
Space from Panic
Space from Chronic Pain
Space from Lung Conditions
Space from Diabetes
Space from Chronic Heart Conditions.
Space from Phobias
Space from Stress
Space from Anxiety/Depression.
Space for Sleep
Space from Health Anxiety
Perinatal wellbeing
Facilitated courses and workshops
Balancing Your Thoughts
7 Sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
Unhelpful thinking styles
Cognitive Restructuring
Behavioural Experiments
Letting go of thoughts
Positive qualities
Relaxation and attention control
Mood Management
7 sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
Behavioural Activation
Cognitive Restructuring (1 session)
Positive Qualities
Problem Solving
Stress Management
7 sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
Balanced life
Time Management
Problem Solving
Overcoming Worry Group
7 sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
Anxiety psycho-education
Hypothetical vs practical
Disengaging from worries
Problem solving
Panic and Phobia Group
7 sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
Anxiety psycho-education
Safety behaviours
Graded Exposure
Thought Challenging
Long Term Conditions Group
Who is suitable? - Depression and anxiety must specifically relate to their physical health difficulties.
8 sessions, 1.5 hours long, covering;
Introductory Session and Relaxation
The 5 areas and Sleep Hygiene
Goal Setting and Problem Solving
Unhelpful Patterns of Behaviour: What are we doing?
Anxiety and Avoidance
Unhelpful thoughts and worries
Challenging Unhelpful thoughts
Assertiveness, Relapse management.
Health Anxiety Group
7 sessions, 1 hour long, covering;
What is health anxiety
Theory A&B
Safety behaviours
Worry and challenging the thoughts
Focusing on the body
Post Natal Support Group
Who is suitable? - The Perinatal Support Group is aimed for those who have recently given birth (i.e. have a baby 2 years old or younger) who will benefit from support with depression and/or anxiety if their difficulties are related to the baby.
7 sessions, 1.5 hours long, covering;
Introductions, What is CBT
5 areas
Spiralling up and down, Activity scheduling.
Negative Automatic Thoughts
Worry and Problem Solving
Health Visiting Team talk
You may like to read some feedback and encouragements by those who received therapy with us.
Difficulties we treat
If you’re going through a hard time, we want you to know that you’re not alone and good support is now available. We provide talking therapies for all kinds of common mental health difficulties.
Self-help resources
Be sure to check out our useful section of self-help resources for wellbeing.
Employment advice
Alongside therapy our Employment Team can help you find employment or training, and support you with workplace adjustments or disputes.
Make the first step
We know the courage it takes to ask for help, and we hope you’ll consider therapy with us. Read more about what to expect if you refer.
Talking Change is for everyone aged sixteen or over, who live in Portsmouth and are registered with a GP in the city.
You can self-refer by calling us on 0300 123 3934 or by completing this secure form online.
Urgent help
Talking Change is not an emergency mental health service for people in crisis. Support is available from specialist services if urgent help is needed.
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