What we treat
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Stress increases hormones in your body to help you deal with pressures or threats.
A small amount of stress can be useful. It can motivate you to take action. However, if you're constantly under stress, stress hormones will stay in your body. This will lead to symptoms of stress.
Most people under stress who receive therapy finish feeling better and more able to manage their symptoms.
Link to mental health
Stress isn't a mental health condition, but it's closely linked to our wellbeing.
Prolonged periods of intense stress can develop into a mental health condition such as depression. On the other hand, trying to cope with the symptoms of a mental health condition can be more difficult when under stress.
Signs & Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of stress may include:
Feeling overwhelmed or over-burdened
Unable focus or concentrate
Low in mood
Irritable and “on edge”
A sense of dread
Racing thoughts, struggling to “switch off”
Problems getting to sleep or staying asleep
Feeling tired all the time
Muscle tension or pain
Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw
Finding it hard to make decisions
Eating too much or too little
Smoking or drinking alcohol more than usual
These symptoms may cause difficulties in day-to-day activities such as work, studying, social activities or relationships with others.
Many of life’s demands can cause stress, particularly work, relationships and money problems. Not all stress stems from things that happen to us. Sometimes our stress response is self-induced. There might be one big thing causing you stress, but stress can also be caused by a build-up of small pressures.
Other struggles
Read more about the other difficulties we treat:
Worrying lots about different things
Flashbacks or nightmares of a trauma
Obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviours
Talking therapy
If you’re struggling with stress, read about the talking therapies we offer to see how they could help you. You may also like to read some feedback and encouragements by those who received therapy with us.
Self-help resources
Be sure to check out our useful section of self-help resources for wellbeing.
Employment advice
Alongside therapy our Employment Team can help you find employment or training, and support you with workplace adjustments or disputes.
Make the first step
We know the courage it takes to ask for help, and we hope you’ll consider therapy with us. Read more about what to expect if you refer.
Talking Therapies is for everyone aged sixteen or over, who live in Portsmouth and are registered with a GP in the city.
You can self-refer by calling us on 0300 123 3934 or by completing this secure form online.
Urgent help
Talking Change is not an emergency mental health service for people in crisis. Support is available from specialist services if urgent help is needed.